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By Gabrielle Wheaton

Mentorship leads CIS' Clarke towards career in STEM

Two men standing in front of construction site with PPE on.
Mentorship leads CIS' Clarke towards career in STEM

Cayman International School student and Dart Work-X intern Maxwell Clarke spent some time with Dart's construction team this past February learning firsthand what it's like to work a week in the life of a mechanical engineer.

Under the mentorship of Dart Senior MEP Construction Engineer Paul Rousseau, Max learned about the numerous hats mechanical engineers wear being part of a team working on a development project.

We sat down with Max to learn more about what he took away from this mentorship.

CBT: What did you spend your time on during your work experience?

MC: Every day was different and interesting. I interacted a lot with the people at the mechanical electrical and plumbing trailer [on site] and it was great to learn from people on the job who had been involved for years.

I learned about the most important aspect of engineering, which is troubleshooting. Things will go wrong — it is important to learn how to manage the challenges as they arise.

CBT: What did you learn from your mentor, Paul?

MC: Paul himself came to Dart originally as an intern and it was interesting to see how far he has advanced within the company after he completed his studies.

[He also taught me] about the chiller system and the things you have to keep in mind when designing air-conditioning for [buildings] of [a certain] calibre. For example, the pumps, condensers and the ... work Dart is doing with chiller systems.

I also learned a great deal about the importance of wearing the safety gear required and being conscientious about your surroundings when on a building site. It is important to maintain focus and not become careless.

CBT: You are currently an International Baccalaureate student at Cayman International School. What do you want to do in the future and how, if at all, did this experience shape that goal?

MC: I know it will either be mechanical engineering or robotics, because I am a big fan of automation and the technical side of things we use on a daily basis. My experience as an intern gave me real insight into what it is like in a work environment, that I could not get just through research.

Speaking to other members of the engineering team was enlightening and I feel like I am better qualified to make a more educated decision now on what my future studies will be.

CBT: Tell us more about your interest in robotics.

I was on the robotics team in 2021-2022, and again in 2022-2023. After the first year I went to the FIRST Global [Challenge in Switzerland] and represented Cayman internationally. In the second year I helped the 2023 international team with their robot, consulting and some construction.

I love making things that work on their own that will help people do jobs more efficiently. It makes me excited to think of what we can do already with the technology available to us today, and what we will be able to do in the future.

This article was published in the May 2024 print edition of Camana bay Times. 

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