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By Gabrielle Wheaton

A day in the life of property management: D'Andre Bodden

Man posed next to truck
Dart Building Maintenance Technician Trainee D’Andre Bodden was drawn to the construction field after watching his father’s work in the industry. - Photo: Rhian Campbell 

"I have worked for Dart for four years, 10 months and four weeks," Dart Building Maintenance Technician Trainee D'Andre Bodden said with a smile. "I really like the environment. You get experience with a lot of different people you haven’t met before, and you get to learn more about how they live their life. There is a lot of growth at Dart, and they train you to become a better person in your skill set. It’s a big company, and there is such a variety of people you interact with, tenants and co-workers alike. I like getting to know people."

We spent some time with Bodden as he took us through a day in his life as a building maintenance technician trainee working in Camana Bay. "I am very versatile in my role," he explained. "I do a bit of electrical, A/C and plumbing — a bit of everything, really. I shadow Alfred Williams (building maintenance technician) sometimes, and sometimes I work on my own. I also help to set up events like the Farmers & Artisans Market and Moonlight & Movies, and I work in The Terraces on appliances. So there is a lot of variety."

CBT: What drew you to this field?

DB: I started out learning construction from my father, and after seeing him build buildings and furniture, I became interested in it and studied construction in school. The school then sent me to the Public Works Department (PWD), which expanded my knowledge in this field. Once I had enough experience, PWD then recommended I apply to Dart.

CBT: What is your favourite part of your job?

DB: My favourite part of the job is learning how many different systems work; for example, the chiller plant, air-handling units and generators; anything and everything that makes the Town Centre function.

CBT: Do you have a set schedule for tasks or is every day different?

DB: Sometimes it is set and sometimes it isn’t. The Farmers & Artisans Market is a set event [every Wednesday], so every Tuesday afternoon I will prepare things like the spider boxes, ramps and cables for the market the next day. Maintenance of air-handling units and things like fire drills are set, but otherwise I prioritise tasks as they are given to me to ensure the most important matters are dealt with first.


Timeline of a typical day

  • 7:30-10 a.m.: My day begins. The first thing I usually do is I check the pool and do the pool cleaning at The Terraces and balance the pool chemicals.
  • 10 a.m.-Noon: I review the schedule I have set for myself and work on the maintenance of whichever building I have been assigned to. This maintenance can include checking electricals, plumbing, lights and anything else necessary to keep it running in top form.
  • Noon-1 p.m.: Lunch is not always necessarily a fixed time depending on the work to be done, but it’s usually around midday.
  • 1-5 p.m.: In the afternoon there are a variety of tasks I will complete during this time on my own or with other technicians. Every day is different. Sometimes requests will come late in the day for event set-up, and I will take care of that as well. You have to be very flexible to work in this position, but I enjoy the challenges. 


CBT: What are some examples of the variety of tasks you are presented with as building maintenance technician trainee?

DB: Along with everything mentioned above, we have many meetings to discuss ongoing and upcoming matters for things like renovation, fit-outs and so on.

CBT: Who inspires you?

DB: My sisters inspire me to become a better person and work towards my goals so that I can then in turn inspire them by showing them by example what can be achieved if you work hard. Mr. Cornell (Cornell John, assistant chief engineer), my supervisor, also inspires me in many different ways. When I first started working here I had some struggles, and he would sit down with me and give me guidance and advice, and this really helped me to succeed here.

Click here for a quick look into what D'Andre's day looks like. 

This article was published in the May 2024 print edition of Camana bay Times. 

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